Join The Work to Become a Green New Deal City
We're hiring employees at all levels across the Mayor's Cabinet of Environment, Energy, and Open Space.
Mayor Michelle Wu has an ambitious agenda for Boston: become a Green New Deal City.
The Mayor's Office of Environment, Energy, and Open Space supports the vision of enhancing environmental justice and quality of life in Boston by protecting air, water, climate, and land resources. Our work focuses on achieving carbon neutrality while working to mitigate and prepare for the effects of climate change, including flooding, sea level rise, and extreme weather.
Becoming a Green New Deal city requires all hands on deck- which means there are jobs outside of the Cabinet of Environment, Energy, and Open Space that are working towards the same goal. Make sure to keep an eye out on for open positions in the Public Works Department, Transportation Department, Inspectional Services, and more.
Available Positions
Available Positions
The Building Decarbonization Project Manager will develop, implement, and support projects, policies, and programs that reduce carbon emissions increase energy efficiency and renewable energy and provide support for building owners, residents, and small businesses. The Project Manager will engage with Boston residents, building owners, and other stakeholders to provide building decarbonization support and to connect them with resources. The Building Decarbonization Project Manager will report to the Building Decarbonization Program Manager in the Environment Department and will work closely with other members of the Carbon Neutrality Team.
The Director will serve as the City’s lead point person on energy transition and transformation, with cross-functional roles: Senior Advisor on energy to Mayor Wu’s Climate Council and Chief Climate Officer; Senior Staff responsible for energy policy and programs in the Environment Department; lead interdepartmental coordinator for energy utility and regulatory affairs City-wide. As an advisor, the Director will be responsible for generating and executing the City’s policy agenda on topics including grid modernization and equitable grid resilience. As Environment Department senior staff, the Director will guide and provide as-needed technical support to the teams responsible for ongoing programs in the Municipal Energy Unit, including municipal facility decarbonization through the Renew Boston Trust, the City’s municipal aggregation program, Boston Community Choice Electricity, and renewable energy procurement. The Director will play a leading role in developing Boston’s first Climate Action Plan update since 2019. As utility coordination lead, the Director is responsible for maintaining relationships with and forming partnerships with energy utilities and regulators, as well as developing partnerships across the City, particularly with infrastructure and energy planners in the Planning Department, as part of an all-of-government approach to equitable climate action. The Director’s work will support the Environment Department’s focus on climate justice, designing priority programs and policies to address past patterns of injustice.
Current Openings
The Boston Green New Deal (GND) is The Mayor's vision for the future of Boston as a City that benefits from our collective action on climate change. As a commitment to the people of Boston, the GND is a framework for city government that focuses on reducing climate pollution and preparing for climate threats by implementing strategies that address social, economic, and racial inequity. The City of Boston’s Environment Department is seeking a Climate Innovation Analyst to support the implementation of the City’s ambitious climate agenda.
- The Energy Analyst aggregates, synthesizes, and interprets energy and emissions data to support the major initiatives of the Environment Department’s Municipal Energy Unit (MEU). As the point person on municipal energy data management, the Analyst plays an important role in the City’s innovative energy projects, responsible use of financial resources, and reduction of greenhouse gasses.
The Energy Manager serves as the technical lead within the Environment Department’s Municipal Energy Unit (MEU). The MEU includes the Director, the Energy Analyst, the Renewable Energy and Finance Manager, the Boston Community Choice Electricity (BCCE) Program Manager, and the BCCE Engagement Assistant. The MEU is responsible for managing and reducing the City’s energy usage and serves as the leading team tasked with scoping and implementing policies and programs to decarbonize the City of Boston’s buildings and energy supply. The Energy Manager is responsible for two critical functions that support Boston’s carbon neutrality and sustainability goals: 1) maintaining and analyzing all municipal energy and operational data, and 2) project managing municipal building decarbonization and energy efficiency projects in the City’s buildings portfolio primarily but not limited to the Renew Boston Trust (RBT) energy savings performance contracting program.
The Communications Manager for the Environment, Energy, and Open Space Cabinet (EEOS) works to craft a narrative and communications strategy to support climate action, including decarbonization, resilience, enhancing open space, supporting sustainable food systems, and preserving Boston’s history. The City of Boston’s Environment, Energy, and Open Space Cabinet currently includes the Environment Department, the Office of Climate Resilience, the Office of Food Justice, the Office of Historic Preservation, and the Parks and Recreation Department. The Communications Manager supports the digital, print, outreach communications, and event planning for the Departments within the EEOS Cabinet while supporting Green New Deal messaging.
The Environment Department’s Municipal Energy Unit (MEU) is responsible for managing and reducing the City’s energy usage and serves as the leading team tasked with scoping and implementing policies and programs to decarbonize the City of Boston’s buildings and energy supply. The Renewable Energy & Finance Manager serves as the financial and procurement lead within the Municipal Energy Unit. As Boston accelerates its path to net zero carbon emissions, the Finance Manager will be charged with renewable energy procurement and will serve as the MEU’s point person on renewable energy. The MEU includes the Director, the Energy Analyst, the Energy Manager, the Boston Community Choice Electricity (BCCE) Program Manager, and the BCCE Engagement Assistant. The Energy Finance Manager is responsible for four critical functions that support Boston’s carbon neutrality and sustainability goals: 1) quantifying and communicating the financial implications of energy savings and carbon reduction measures past, present, and future, 2) identifying and structuring procurements and contracts for energy-savings projects, 3) identifying funding opportunities outside the City of Boston’s appropriations process that will expedite the City’s ability to meet its climate goals, and 4) expanding renewable energy procurements for the City’s supply and advising other Environment Department teams on renewable energy procurement for members of the Boston community.
The Climate Policy and Planning team in the City of Boston’s Environment Department is responsible for using regulatory, legislative, legal, and planning tools to advance Mayor Wu’s Green New Deal climate agenda and to support the work of the Environment Department in carrying out energy, resilience, and environmental justice programs and services. The Climate Policy and Planning Program Manager is responsible for delivering key functions of the team and for independently managing tasks and projects.
Under the supervision of the Director of Climate Policy and Planning, the Program Manager is responsible for and/or participates in projects that support the City’s climate and environment agenda, including:
- Track, research, and analyze relevant state and Federal policy on topics concerning the Department, including climate mitigation, energy, resilience, sustainable development, air and water quality, and natural resources.
- Support policy and regulations development for Environment Department Programs, for example the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO).
- Manage and/or support the development of policies and programs that reduce carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency and renewable energy, accelerate the clean energy transition, build resilience, and protect natural resources. Lead tasks in the development of climate and environment plans, e.g., Climate Actions Plans (CAP), including developing policy and implementation solutions, managing consultants, participating in and, if necessary, leading stakeholder engagement, and developing implementation plans.
- Under the direction of the Director, develop a performance measurement and tracking system for plan implementation.
Common Questions
Where can I apply for the jobs?
If the job is already posted, please apply via our Career Center. We aim to have the additional positions posted in the fall of 2022.
If I don't know if I am the right fit should I apply?
Yes! We are open to nontraditional candidates and would love to see your application.
What's it like working for the City of Boston?
No two days are the same — and that’s what we love about it! You join a team of passionate, dedicated professionals who care deeply about what we do and the change we can make. And, you get to be a key part of Mayor Wu’s administration, helping carry out the policies of one of the leading Green New Deal Mayors in the country. Fill out an interest form today!
What is the timeline for filling these jobs?
We will start interviewing candidates a few weeks after the jobs are posted.
Can I apply to more than one position?
Yes! Feel free to apply to all the positions that interest you and you meet the minimum qualifications.
Do I have to live in Boston?
Yes, all the jobs will require residency in the City of Boston by the time you start the job. You can read more about our residency requirement.
What are the salary and benefits for the jobs?
The salary depends on the job. All of the full-time jobs come with benefits and selected applicants may be eligible to join a union. You can see the salary range and union affiliation when the positions are posted to the Career Center.
Are these on-going, full-time positions?
Unless noted, these are on-going, full-time positions with benefits. There is a six-month probationary period for all new hires at the City of Boston.