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Zoning Board of Appeal hearing

The September 22, 2020, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the webex event platform.

Please be advised of the following appeals to be heard on September 22, 2020, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and related announcements. All matters listed on this September 22, 2020, hearing agenda have been noticed in accordance with the enabling act.

Some matters listed on this agenda may have been scheduled and noticed for prior hearings which were then deferred to a later hearing due to the public health emergency. Any such appeals on this agenda have been re-noticed in accordance with the enabling act.

Please be advised of the following participation instructions:

The September 22, 2020, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the webex event platform.

Interested persons can participate in the hearing REMOTELY by going to our online meeting or by calling 1-617-315-0704 and entering access code 173 597 9040.

If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please complete our form to sign up. Please provide your name, address, the address and/or BOA number of the appeal on which you wish to speak, and if you wish to speak in support of or opposition to the project.

For individuals who need translation assistance, please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by signing up online, calling 617-635-4775 or emailing

 The ZBA Ambassador will be available within the WebEx Event from at 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM to answer questions about ZBA procedures and offer instructions on how to participate in the hearing via WebEx. Questions and/or concerns can also be emailed to the ZBA Ambassador at

If you wish to offer comment within the meeting platform, please use the “raise hand” function, if connected by video, or dial *3, if connected by phone. The requester will be administratively unmuted and asked to state their name, address and comment. Comments will be limited as time requires.

If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please log in to the hearing no later than 9 a.m. to ensure your connection is properly functioning.

The hearing can also be viewed via livestream on the City’s website. Closed captioning is available.

Interested persons who are unable to participate in the hearing remotely may make an appointment to appear in person at City Hall, in the BPDA board room, 9th Floor, Room 900. Please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by calling 617-635-4775 or emailing for accommodations to be made. Individuals appearing at City Hall without an appointment will not be permitted to enter.

Members of the community are strongly encouraged to help facilitate the virtual hearing process by emailing letters in support of or opposition to an appeal to in lieu of offering testimony online or from BPDA board room. It is strongly encouraged that written comments be submitted to the board at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics

  1. EXTENSION: 9:30 A.M

    Case: BOA-843335, Address: 42 Chestnut Street Ward 5 Applicant: Iam M Urquhart

    Case: BOA-786629 Address: 40 Westmoreland Street Ward 16 Applicant: George Morancy

    Case: BOA-827054 Address: 623-625 Dorchester Ave Ward 7 Applicant: Michael Welsh

    Case: BOA-715581 Address: 44 Lochdale Road, Ward 19 Applicant: Andrew Kara

    Case: BOA-708918 Address: 32 Hartwell Street Ward 12 Applicant: Jeffrey Drago, Esq

    Case: BOA-708914 Address: 34 Hartwell Street Ward 12 Applicant: Jeffrey Drago, Esq


    Case: BOA-978472 Address: 3 Bond Street Ward 3 Applicant: John Gorman

  3. GCOD: 9:30 AM

    Case: BOA-1084997 Address: 40 Gray Street Ward 5 Applicant: Sean Kennedy Article: 32(32-4) Purpose: Confirm occupancy as single-family dwelling. Extend living space to the basement. Full renovation as per plans to include new MEP’s, fire suppression system and finishes throughout.

    Case: BOA-1070211 Address: 179 Newbury Street Ward 5 Applicant: Timothy White Article: 32(32-4) Purpose: Renovation of existing brownstone. Removal and replacement of all wood framed floors and stair. Installation of new elevator, MEP system, fire alarm, fire protection, and utilities. Existing fire escape and façade to remain.


    Case: BOA#1070829 Address: 213 West Springfield Street Ward 4 Applicant: Andreas Hwang Purpose: Amendment to ALT883385. Change Order: Installation of deck and necessary structural support, roof hatch, roof hatch stairs. Framing and window installation of top floor. Repair/partial reconstruction of rear exterior wall. Section: 9th 780 CMR CHPT 10 – 1011.12.2 stairway to roof.

  5. HEARINGS: 9:30 AM

    Case: BOA-921545 Address: 176 Gladstone Street Ward 1 Applicant: Joseph Fagone Article: 9(9-1) 53(53-9: Lot size for the dwelling is insufficient, Floor area ratio is excessive & Side yard requirement is insufficient) 53(53-56) 53(53-53-57) Purpose: This will be one of two dwellings on the same lot. No work to be done. See ERT910842.

    Case: BOA- 921544 Address: 170 Gladstone Street Ward 1 Applicant: Joseph Fagone Article: 53(53-8) 53(53-9: Lot size to erect new dwelling is insufficient, Floor area ratio is excessive, Height is excessive (stories), Height is excessive (ft), Required front yard setback is insufficient (Gladstone Street), Required front yard setback is insufficient (Breed Street) & Side yard setback requirement is insufficient) 53(53-56.5.a) 53(53-56) 53(53-53-57) Purpose: Seeking to erect a residential building with eight (8) units and four (4) parking spaces. This will be one of two dwellings on one lot. See ALT910843.

    Case: BOA- 1067375 Address: 28 Geneva Street Ward 1 Applicant: Joel DeLuca Article: 27T(27T-5) 53(53-8) 53(53-9: # of allowed stories exceeded, Height exceeded, Insufficient open space per unit, Front yard requirements, Insufficient rear yard setback, Insufficient additional lot area per unit & Excessive F.A.R.) 53(53-56.5.a) 53(53-56) Purpose: Seeking to combine two lots with Parcel ID #'s 0104084000 and 0104083000 to create one new parcel with a total area of 8,240 SF. Also, to raze the existing structures and erect a new residential building with twenty-six units and nineteen parking spaces. See ALT1055719 for combining lots - address to be known as 28-30 Geneva Avenue. *AE Flood Zone. *Existing structures to be razed under a separate permit.

    Case: BOA- 983349 Address: 1 Nassau Street Ward 3 Applicant: Metropolitan Pirmary Condo by New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Article: 86(86-6) Purpose: Install steel platform on rooftop of wireless site, to support install of battery cabinet, power panel, and 2 equipment cabinets; install 6 new antennas inside 6 FRP chimneys on custom mounts; install appurtenant equipment, cabling, etc.

    Case: BOA- 1059450 Address: 215 Newbury Street Ward 5 Applicant: Steven Chen, Fruit Teas of Massachusetts, Inc Article: 8(8-7) Purpose: Renovate existing Store on the first floor for a proposed Tea Shop, as per plans. Change use from 4 Apartments, Nail Salon and 2 Stores to 4 Apartments, Nail Salon, 1 Store and 1 Tea Shop.

    Case: BOA-1060894 Address: 152 Mount Vernon Street Ward 5 Applicant: John Moriaty Article: 17(17-1) 23(23-1) Purpose: Change Occupancy from a Three Family Dwelling to a Five Family Dwelling.

     Case: BOA- 1020204 Address: 112 Myrtle Street Ward 5 Applicant: Alpine Advisory Service Article: 15(15-1) Purpose: Confirm Occupancy as Ten (10) Residential Apartments. Full gut interior renovation of entire Building. Replace all plumbing, electrical and mechanical; Installation of a new Fire Alarm and Sprinkler system with a dedicated water line; Build a new Roof Deck; Replace all windows; Repoint and restore exterior brick and thin metal facade. No Change of Occupancy.

    Case: BOA-1058737 Address: 28 Jenkins Street Ward 7 Applicant: George Morancy Article: 68(68-8: Front yard insufficient, Lot area insufficient, Add’l lot area insufficient & Bldg height excessive (feet)) Purpose: Demolish existing structure and erect new four-story two-family dwelling with two-car garage at grade accessed via new curb cut on Jenkins Street.

    Case: BOA-1066449 Address: 6 Glover Ct Ward 7 Applicant: George Morancy Article: 68(68-33) 68(68-33) 68(68-8: Floor area ratio excessive, Bldg height excessive (feet), Usable open space insufficient, Front yard insufficient & Add’l lot area insufficient) Purpose: Combine 6 Glover Court with 4,8 & 10 Glover Court and 8, 10 & 12 Leeds Street for a combined total of 10,735 to erect a new 34 unit multifamily building with parking below. (See ALT831139, ALT831140, ALT831143, ALT831145, ALT1049805 and ALT1049811 to combine lots).

    Case: BOA-1072012 Address: 40-50 Warren Street Ward 8 Applicant: Ryan Link Article: 50(50-11: Floor area ratio is excessive & Rear yard setback minimum requirement is insufficient) 50(50-44.2) 50(50-37) 50(50-43: Off street loading is insufficient & Off street parking requirement is insufficient) Purpose: New construction: 4 commercial spaces (2 retails and 2 offices) on ground floor, 25 residential units on upper floors, approx. 37,000 SF, 28 bicycle parking, 0 auto parking.

    Case: BOA- 1078073 Address: 92-92C Lambert Avenue Ward 9 Applicant: Armando Hernandez Article: 50(50-28) 50(50-29: Lot area for the add’l units is insufficient, Floor area ratio is excessive, Usable open space requirement is insufficient, Front yard setback requirement is insufficient, Side yard setback requirement is insufficient & Rear yard setback is insufficient) 50(50-44) 50(50-43: Off street parking requirement is insufficient & Off-street parking & loading req – Off street parking locations. All car spaces shall be entirely located on the same lot of the dwelling they serve. Ancillary off street parking is conditional) Purpose: Erect new 4 unit townhouse condominium buildings, for this is one of 2 buildings on same lot, and off street ancillary parking to be at 88 Lambert Ave. Subdivide this existing lot into 2 lots, this lot to be known as lot 2 92-92C Lambert Ave. and 92R-92R-C Lambert Ave. with 2 house on same lot. Injunction with Alt971317.

     Case: BOA- 1078077 Address: 92R-92R-C Lambert Avenue Ward 9 Applicant: Armando Hernandez Article: 50(50-28) 50(50-29: Lot area for the add’l units is insufficient, Floor area ratio is excessive, Usable open space requirement is insufficient, Front yard setback requirement is insufficient, Side yard setback requirement is insufficient & Rear yard setback requirement is insufficient) 50(50-44.13) 50(50-43) Purpose: Erect new 4 unit townhouse condominium buildings, for this is one of 2 buildings on same lot Subdivide this existing lot into 2 lots, this lot to be know as lot 2 92-92C Lambert Ave. and 92R-92R-C Lambert Ave. with 2 house on same lo; and off street parking provided is located at 88 Lambert Ave as ancillary off street parking injunction with Alt971317 and ERT971313 with MJ.

    Case: BOA- 1074728 Address: 6 Wise Street Ward 10 Applicant: Armando Hernandez Article: 55(55-8) 55(55-9: Add’l lot area insufficient, Lot frontage insufficient, Floor area ratio excessive, Bldg height excessive (feet), Bldg height excessive (stories), Side yard insufficient, Rear yard insufficient, Front yard insufficient & Usable open space insufficient) 55(55-40) Purpose: erect new building for Six residential dwelling units – Please see ALT1026126 to combine two lots into one lot to be known as 6 Wise Street.

    Case: BOA-1041605 Address: 373 South Huntington Avenue Ward 10 Applicant: Alfonso Sira Article: 55(55-9: Lot area for the new proposed dwelling unit is insufficient, Floor area ratio is excessive, Usable open space requirement is insufficient & Side yard setback requirement is insufficient) 55(55-65-41) 10(10-1) Purpose: Change occupancy from professional office in first floor, to professional office in first floor and one residential unit in second floor.It was changed to office by mistake when 1st floor was renovated 2017.

    Case: BOA-1041086 Address: 24 Spalding Street Ward 11 Applicant: David Steeves Article: 8(8-7) 55(55-9: Rear yard setback requirement is insufficient, Lot area for the add’l dwelling unit is insufficient, Floor area ratio is excessive, Front yard setback requirement is insufficient, Side yard setback requirement is insufficient & Height requirement is excessive) 55(55-40) Purpose: Erect building for Three family residence; one unit for affordable housing unit, one unit for owner occupied accessible unit, and one unit three bedroom unit.

    Case: BOA- 1065448 Address: 20 Seaver Street Ward 12 Applicant: Simone, LLC Article: 50(50-29) Purpose: In conjunction with permit #ALT698847. This amendment is for the reconstruction of the basement Adding office and common area space for the tenants of the building, that will be affiliated with the Pine St Inn.

    Case: BOA-1017963 Address: 53hf Harvard Street Ward 14 Applicant: Matt Mueller Article: 65(65-9: Lot area insufficient, Lot width insufficient, Lot frontage insufficient, Floor area ratio excessive, Bldg height excessive (stories), Front yard insufficient, Side yard insufficient & Rear yard insufficient) 65(65-8) 65(65-41: Off-street parking insufficient & Off-street parking & loading req – Design. Inappropriate maneuvering area. Driveway shall not be less than 10’-0” wide) Purpose: Erect a new three story mixed-use building with office on first floor with two residential units above. Propose (2) off-street parking. (the address change should be 53 Harvard St rkc). Demolish existing one story building on separate permit.

    Case: BOA-1072142 Address: 782-788 Adams Street Ward 16 Applicant: John Lydon Article: 65(65-15: Use regulations – restaurant conditional & Use regulations - restaurant with take-out conditional) Purpose: Change of occupancy to correct current occupancy to parish house, mini-market, 3 restaurants #36a and #37, offices and telecommunication. No work to be done. [ZBA-ePlan].

    Case: BOA-1074490 Address: 166-172 Neponset Avenue Ward 16 Applicant: Red Dome Realty II LLC Article: 65(65-8: Use forbidden – pet spa (kennel), Use forbidden – retail business & Use forbidden – martial arts academy (fitness center or gymnasium)) 9(9-2) Purpose: Change occupancy to Pet Spa, 2 Retail Spaces and a Martial Arts Academy. No work to be done just clarifying the use groups.

  6. RE-DISCUSSION: 11:30 AM

    Case: BOA-1035817 Address: 150 Chestnut Avenue Ward 19 Applicant: Oliver Bouchier Article: 10(10-1) 55(55-11) 55(55-40: Off-street parking & Loading Req. – 55.40.4.a Proposed parking area exceeded 10’ of width. Max. number of spaces allowed in the front yard: 2 Proposed: 3) 55(55-40: Off-street parking & Loading Req. – 55.40.5.d. Parking spaces are partially or totally occupying the neighbor’s lot 152 and 152 ½ Chestnut Avenue) Purpose: Install driveway and curb for 1 parking space.

    Case: BOA- 1039083 Address: 4014 Washington Street Ward 19 Applicant: Felipe Duran Article(s): 67(67-12) Purpose: Renovation restaurant as per plans. Addition on the front of the restaurant for take-out use.

    Case: BOA- 1022758 Address: 387-399 Centre Street Ward 10 Applicant: Robert Murphy Article(s): 55(55-16) 55(55-40) Purpose: Convert existing beauty salon to a body piercing studio.

    Case: BOA-1056729 Address: 171 Newbury Street Ward 5 Applicant: Jason Zube Article(s): 8(8-7) Purpose: Changing from a retail store to tattoo parlor.

    Case: BOA-1043021 Address: 40-42 Prince Street Ward 3 Applicant: Victoria Tene Article(s): 43(43-19) Purpose: Change occupancy from office space to psychic reading office. No work to be done office is existing, just changing office use.

    1 Hour Lunch Break

  7. HEARINGS: 1:00 PM

    Case: BOA-1024093 Address: 7 Wordsworth Street Ward 1 Applicant: 7 Wordsworth Street, LLC Article: 53(53-8) 53(53-9: Floor area ratio maximum requirement is excessive, Height requirement (stories) is excessive, Height requirement (ft) is excessive, Front yard setback requirement is insufficient, Side yard setback requirement is insufficient & Rear yard setback requirement is insufficient) 53(53-56) 53(53-9.3) Purpose: Proposing to demolish existing 2 family structure and erect new 9 unit structure. Please see attached nominal fee letter.

    Case: BOA- 1009944 Address: 182 Webster Street Ward 1 Applicant: Patrick Mahoney Esq Article: 53(53-9) Purpose: Confirm occupancy as a Three-Family Dwelling. Full renovation to existing three-family dwelling. No exterior addition. Extend living space to basement for Unit 1. [ePlan-ZBA].

    Case: BOA- 985474 Address: 362 Princeton Street Ward 1 Applicant: Brian Foley Article: 53(53-9) Purpose: Extend living space into basement (first floor unit). Existing condition. No work to be done.

    Case: BOA-985475 Address: 362 Princeton Street Ward 1 Applicant: Brian Foley Purpose: Extending living space into basement (first floor unit). Existing condition. No work to be done. Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR CHPT 10 – Section 1011.6. Stairwell width insufficient. Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR CHPT 10 – Section 1003.3.1 Protruding objects by beam @ 5’-9 1/4 ’’ to include obstructed stair headroom at rear exit way. Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR CHPT 10 – Section 1003.2 Ceiling Height insufficient (7’6” required). Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR CHPT 10 – Section 1011.6 Stairway landings (1’-6” proposed). Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR CHPT 10 – Section 1003.6 Means of Egress continuity without obstructions r reduction in width. Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR CHPT 12 – Section 1208.2 Minimum Ceiling heights (proposed 6’-6.5”).

    Case: BOA-990167 Address: 103-111 Arch Street Ward 3 Applicant: Sonder USA, Inc Article: 8(8-7) Purpose: To change the occupancy from twenty-one residential units and dental office to twenty-one executive suites and dental office. Also to renovate.

    Case: BOA-975065 Address: 7 Beaver Place Ward 5 Applicant: Stephen Payne Article: 32(32-4) 13(13-13-1) Purpose: To correct an “unsafe” violation, V439035: Remove the front façade of the building and structural elements (primarily floor joists, and rafters) that bear on it. Nominal paid on ALT8024843. *Clarification: Building razed. 8 City of Boston Board of Appeal

    Case: BOA- 999900 Address: 7 Beaver Place Ward 5 Applicant: Stephen Payne Purpose: To correct an “unsafe” violation, V439035: Remove the front façade of the building and structural elements (primarily floor joists, and rafters) that bear on it. Nominal paid on ALT8024843. *Clarification: Building razed. Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR CHPT 07 – Section 705.8; Exterior Wall Openings proposed < 3’ from lot line is not permitted.

    Case: BOA- 1018299 Address: 620-622 East Eighth Street Ward 7 Applicant: Mark Teranova and Deanna Terranova Article: 27P(27P-5) 68(68-7) 68)68-33) 68(68-8) Purpose: Change Occupancy from 2 Family (#2750/2000) to 3 Family by extending into basement and remodeling for the third unit, some electrical, some plumbing work.

    Case: BOA- 1046244 Address: 3305-3307 Washington Street Ward 11 Applicant: Timothy Johnson Article: 55(55-40.5a) 55(55-41) 55(55-40: Off-street parking insufficient & Off-street loading insufficient) 55(55-8: Use multifamily dwelling forbidden, Use commercial space forbidden & Use accessory parking forbidden) 55(55-9: Lot area for additional dwelling units insufficient, Floor area ratio excessive, Building height excessive, Building height (# of stories) excessive, Usable open space insufficient, Front yard insufficient, Side yard insufficient & Rear yard insufficient) Purpose: Combine existing Lot 2257 & Lot 2258 into One 9,378 sq ft Lot. Addition / renovation to create a 4 story Mixed-Use Building. Change Occupancy from Office, One Apartment and Intern Overnight Accommodation to a Commercial space, Multifamily Dwelling (14 Units), and Garage (12 Vehicles). Upper Floor Units will have individual Roof Decks. Building will be fully Sprinklered. Application will require ZBA approval.

    Case: BOA-1023262 Address: 26-28 Perrin Street Ward 12 Applicant: Thomas Rovero Article: 50(50-28) 50(50-29: Floor area ratio excessive, Building height excessive, Usable open space insufficient & Side yard insufficient) 50(50-44) Purpose: Erect a new 2 ½ story, 4 Family Dwelling w/3 Bedrooms and 2 full Baths in all 4 Units. Building will be fully Sprinklered. There will be a 4 Car Garage built at-grade behind Dwelling (ERT994197).

    Case: BOA- 1023265 Address: 26R Perrin Street Ward 12 Applicant: Thomas Rovero Article: 50(50-28) 50(50-29) 50(50-44) Purpose: Construct a 22’ x 38’ Four (4) Car Garage behind proposed Four (4) Family Dwelling @ 26-28 Perrin Street (ERT965942).

    Case: BOA-971287 Address: 643 Morton Street Ward 14 Applicant: Holy Tabernacle Church Apostolic, Inc Article: 60(60-9) Purpose: Change of Occupancy from Childcare Center to Three-Family Dwelling. No work to be done.

    Case: BOA-971286 Address: 643 Morton Street Ward 14 Applicant: Holy Tabernacle Church Apostolic, Inc Purpose: Change of Occupancy from Childcare Center to Three-Family Dwelling. No work to be done. Section: 9th Edition 780 CMR 903.2 (MA Amend) – Occupancy Automatic Sprinkler Required. All Use Group R requires automatic sprinkler system. 9 City of Boston Board of Appeal

    Case: BOA- 1035609 Address: 820 William T Morrissey BLVD Ward 16 Applicant: Out Front Media, LLC Article: 11(11-7) 11(11-6) 65(65-40) Purpose: The replacement of both sides/faces of existing 48 feet wide by 14 feet high billboard, one side currently static and the other side currently tri-vision, with new digital signage cabinets. The applicant would also replace existing steel structures in kind and change occupancy to include billboard.

    Case: BOA-937921 Address: 1449-1453 Hyde Park Avenue Ward 18 Applicant: 1449 LLC Article: 69(69-29) 69(69-30) 69(69-8) 69(69-9: Insufficient rear yard setback – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.), Insufficient lot size – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.), Excessive F.A.R. – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.), Number of allowed stories exceeded – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.) & Insufficient usable open space – (1449 Hyde Park Ave.)) Purpose: Change occupancy of two family into an 11 unit MFR dwelling and construct addition per plan submitted. (This is one of two structures on the same lot, other structure is a two family (a.k,a. 8 Dacy Street)).

    Case: BOA- 1035883 Address: 178 Brighton Avenue Ward 21 Applicant: Leonid Grossman & Marina Grossman Article: 51(51-17) 9(9-1) Purpose: Unit #4- Legalize the basement Area as additional living space. Renovations to include but not limited to, replace windows and alterations per plans. To Remove violation # V421430 issued 10/18/2018. Include Plumbing and Electrical Works. ZBA.


    Case: BOA- 1070934 Address: 103 Cottage Street Ward: 1 Applicant: Theresa Melki Article: 9(9-1) 27S-5 53(53-52) 53(53-9) Purpose: Roof Deck.

    Case: BOA-1092206 Address: 440-458 Rutherford Avenue Ward: 2 Applicant: Cambridge Corps, Inc Article: 62(62-17) Purpose: Cambridge Crops develops natural and sustainable food coatings to extend the shelf-life of perishable foods. Cambridge Crops recently leased office/warehouse space and wishes to perform research and development of it's food product within the warehouse space. No construction is taking place.

    Case: BOA- 1051806 Address: 5 Wallace Court Ward: 2 Applicant: Alexandra French Article: 9(9-2) 62(62-25) 62(62-7) 62(62-8: Floor area ratio excessive & Rear yard insufficient) Purpose: Change Occupancy from two family dwelling to a single family with extended living space in the basement (Long standing existing condition). Complete renovation including, new plumbing, HVAC, electrical, new bathrooms, kitchen, new windows, new roof. Enlarge existing roof dormer as per attached plans.

    Case: BOA-1071903 Address: 29 High Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Alfonso Sira Article: 62(62-25) 62(62-8) Purpose: Construct a new Headhouse for Roof access. 10 City of Boston Board of Appeal

    Case: BOA- 1090206 Address: 441-445 Hanover Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Jennifer Royle Article(s): 54(54-9) Purpose: Adding take out to the existing restaurant work to include installing 2 deli cases and counter tops, replace sinks, new lighting and refinish floors.

    Case: BOA-1066030 Address:2 to 14 High Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Paul Gibbs Article: 8(8-3) Purpose: Change occupancy from a Restaurant to a coffee shop. Use is conditional.

    Case: BOA-1076053 Address: 283 Dartmouth Street Ward: 5 Applicant: IContour Anti-Aging Center Article: 8(8-7) Purpose: Change occupancy to include Body Art/Permanent Cosmetics. No construction required.

    Case: BOA- 1064605 Address: 214 Metropolitan Avenue Ward: 18 Applicant: George Mavridis Article: 67(67-9: Floor area ratio excessive, Front yard insufficient & Side yard insufficient) 9(9-1) Purpose: Strip and renovate Unit 1 & Unit 2 based on attached plans. This includes renovation of existing bathrooms & kitchens, creation of new dormers, bedrooms & bathrooms and rear decks. Expand living space into Attic and Basement.

    Case: BOA- 1057679 Address: 18 Birchcroft Road Ward: 18 Applicant: Said Ennaya Article: 69(69-9: Bldg Height excessive (stories), Side yard insufficient & Rear yard insufficient) Purpose: Legalize all work not on permit # SF 890899, add third floor, and front deck conforming to the new drawings submitted, new electric and heating system.

    Case: BOA-1092405 Address: 9 Littledale Street Ward: 18 Applicant: Arick Dyrdal Article: 69(69-9: Side yard insufficient & Rear yard insufficient) Purpose: The goal of this project is to improve the living space of the attic level of this humble bungalow by adding a dormer on the North and South side of the house. Project includes improving the R-value of the new work, updating the downstairs bathroom, and adding a chimney.

    Case: BOA- 1068603 Address: 29 to 31 Brookdale Street Ward: 19 Applicant: Jared Long Article: 10(10-1) 67(67-30) Purpose: New curb cut for new driveway.

    Case: BOA- 1092467 Address: 59 to 61 Willow Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Emily Patrick Article: 9(9-1) 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive, Bldg height excessive (stories) – Proposed addition adds a new story, Rear yard insufficient & Side yard insufficient) Purpose: Dormer out attic to add a second floor of living space that will include three bedrooms and two bathrooms. 

    Case: BOA- 1092735 Address: 50 Gardner Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Aidan and Mary Parkinson Article: 56(56-8) Purpose: 1 ½ story addition to rear of existing building, including 2 open air decks.

    Case: BOA-1084489 Address: 87 to 89 Greaton Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Jim Moore Article: 9(9-1) 56(56-8: Rear yard insufficient 21.3ft provided; 30ft req’d & Side yard insufficient 10.2ft provided; 11.4ft req’d (narrow lot)) Purpose: Remove existing back porches and replace with new decks according to my architectural plans.

    Case: BOA- 1086905 Address: 134R Westmoor Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Durso Mario Giovanni Article: 56(56-40) Purpose: Erect a small garage in the rear of dwelling. 

    Case: BOA-1098372 Address: 19 Gretter Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Wellington Rossi Article: 56(56-8) Purpose: The Contractor shall construct approx 305sq ft of first and second floor living space. Enclose existing deck and add second story over the existing building foot print with foundation work and new roof; per plans prepared by WRADESIGN Architect dated 12.02.2019. The Contractor shall renovate the existing front porch columns, trex decking, and RDI Titan vinyl railings, within existing footprint of front porch.

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