Summer Eats
Boston Summer Eats provides nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost across the City. All youth 18 and under are welcome to participate. No ID or registration required.
The 2024 Summer Eats program runs from the last week of June through the end of August. Start and end dates vary by location. Check back here in June for a list of meal sites operating throughout the City and across the state.
The Boston Summer Eats program is co-implemented by the Mayor's Office of Food Justice, Boston Public Schools and Nutrition Services, the Greater Boston YMCA, and Project Bread. The program provides free nutritious meals to youth aged 18 and under.
The Summer Eats program is an innovative effort to lessen the summer food gap by increasing the availability of non-traditional meal sites. The goal of the program is to expand access to free and healthy meals for kids and teens in Boston.
Summer Eats Locations
About the Program
The Boston Summer Eats program is a partnership of the Office of Food Justice with:
- Project Bread
- YMCA of Greater Boston
- Boston Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services
- BCYF and YMCA community centers
- Boston Public Schools
- Boston Housing Authority properties, and
- libraries, farmers markets, and community-based organizations.
Program frequently asked questions
FAQsSee the above table or click here for access to a map of all sites in Boston and across the state. Note: sites are being added to the map each week, so check back through early July to find the site closest to you!
Sites are available 7 days a week, but vary based on the site. Some sites offer both breakfast and lunch, while others only offer lunch. Some offer a snack as well.
No. Meals are provided at no cost. And no paperwork or ID is required to receive meals.
Meals are provided on a first-come first-serve basis.
Each meal follows the USDA guideline for meal patterns.
- Breakfast consists of: milk, fruit/vegetable, and grains/bread.
- Lunch or suppers consist of: milk, fruits/vegetables, grains/bread, and meat/meat alternate.
- Snack consists of: milk, fruit and/or vegetable, grains/bread, meat/meat alternate.
Nope! At all Summer Eats sites listed in the map above, kids and teens can just show up and receive a free meal! No one will check an ID or ask any questions.
Activities will vary based on the site. More information about activities will be added later in the summer. To find out more about activities at a particular site, contact the organization who operates the site you would like to attend.
No, due to federal regulations, caregivers are not permitted to pick up meals for children and take them home. Meals must be consumed on site with the child present.
No, due to federal regulations, caregivers are not permitted to pick up meals for children and take them home. Meals must be consumed on site with the child present.
Provider frequently asked questions
Provider FAQsApplications to become a Summer Meal Sponsor can be found here and are due to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education by June 15, 2024.
Any organization can be a meal site host! Previous partners have included the Parks Department, Boston Public Libraries, faith-based organizations.
We have possible funding for organizations who need extra support. Funds can go towards hiring additional staff or equipment. Grant funding amount will depend on the estimated number of meals you will distribute and the number of days/hours you will be operating for.
No, this is up to you and your staff to decide. Sites can choose to be open as many days from Monday - Saturday between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.