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Cold Weather Advisory
Mayor Wu has issued a cold weather advisory for Tuesday, January 21 - Thursday, January 23. Boston is also preparing for an anticipated six to eight inches of snowfall Sunday evening,
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Planning Council Committees

A majority of Planning Council work is divided between committees. All Planning Council members must serve on at least one committee.

There are five different committees that make up the Boston EMA Ryan White Planning Council. 

About Our Committees

Planning Council Committees

All committee meetings are held either on Zoom or in person at the Nonprofit Center (89 South St., Boston, MA) for two hours per month. Committee meetings are open to the public. Guests are welcome to attend but may not participate or vote. Guests may contact PCS at to request meeting schedules. The Consumer Committee is open to any member of the community that would like to participate.

Read more about the work of each committee below!

Services, Planning and Evaluation Committee

Services, Planning and Evaluation Committee (SPEC)

This committee makes recommendations about the local service continuum. Each year, SPEC reviews funded service categories and develops the Priority Setting Process. The committee proposes the prioritization of various service categories for the EMA based on existing and emerging needs and service gaps. This committee also conducts the Assessment of the Administrative Mechanism, a survey that collects feedback from Part A funded agencies about the process of procurement and distribution of funds. The committee then analyzes the feedback and makes recommendations to the recipient. 

SPEC's Charge:

  • Summarizing and making recommendations to the Planning Council on service categories 
  • Providing guidance on the prioritization of Part A service categories
  • Assessing the efficiency of the administrative mechanism in rapidly allocating funds within the EMA

Needs, Resources and Allocations Committee

Needs, Resources and Allocations Committee (NRAC)

This committee is responsible for recommendations to the Planning Council regarding potential federal, state, local, and private resources available to meet service needs and recommends action to the Planning Council as appropriate. To do so, NRAC develops funding scenarios that will allow for rapid disbursement of funds in case of level funding, decrease in funding or an increase in funding. These funding recommendations are then presented to Planning Council.

NRAC's Charge:

  • Develop and implement a process to identify the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and their caregivers by conducting a community needs assessment that is objective and ethically, culturally and linguistically sensitive and includes both quantitative and qualitative data where available
  • To make recommendations to the Council as appropriate about potential federal, state, local, and private resources available to meet service needs
  • To make recommendations to the Council on the distribution of funds among priority service categories using available information about community service needs, current funding for HIV care services, and service use and cost trend data

Executive Committee

Executive Committee 

This committee handles the orderly and integrated progression of Planning Council work. The Executive Committee encourages active and meaningful participation for all members. The Executive is open to Planning Council leadership (chairs and vice-chairs of Council and subcommittees) and also at least one designated Member at Large.

Click here to learn more about the Planning Council Leadership Responsibilities. 

For the 2023-2024 Planning Council Year, here are our Chairs and designated members on the Executive Committee:

Name Role
Melissa Hector Liaison to the Mayor's Office
Tegan Evans Recipient
Kim Wilson MNC Chair
Darian Hendricks Consumer Chair
Amanda Hart NRAC Chair
Henry Cabrera SPEC Chair
Darren Sack Planning Council Chair
Margaret Lombe Planning Council Chair-Elect
Michael Swaney and Robert Giannasca Members At Large

The Executive Committee consists of:

  • The Planning Council Chair
  • Chair-Elect and Vice-Chair
  • Chairs of standing committees
  • A designated member at large appointed by the Planning Council Chair
  • Representative from the Recipient
  • Liaison to the Mayor's Office

Meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month (unless otherwise noted) on Zoom until further notice. The Executive Committee is closed to the public. Anyone who wishes to attend as a guest or inquire about agenda topics should email Planning Council Support. 

For more information, please contact Planning Council Support.

Planning Council Support

1010 Massachusetts Ave. (2nd Floor) Boston, MA 02118

Tel: (617) 534-2613 | Mob: (617) 947-4299 | Fax: (617) 288-2284 | Email:

Executive Committee Charge

  • Ensure the orderly and in­tegrated progression of work of the Planning Council and its Committees
  • Oversee the operations of the Planning Council and recommend amend­ments to the bylaws as appropriate
  • Foster the active and meaningful participation of all Planning Council members:
    • create a supportive environment that values input
    • ensure that Planning Council work and decisions are representative and effective
    • regularly assess and review the feedback and needs of Planning Council members. Promote and maintain a high level of member participation, recruitment, and retention
  • When necessary and approved by the Planning Council, the Executive Committee can make decisions on behalf of the Council, if the Council is unable to meet
  • Meet as needed to review and revise the Bylaws

Membership and Nominations Committee

Membership and Nominations Committee (MNC)

This committee is in charge of:

  • Member training and orientation
  • Member satisfaction
  • Outreach and recruitment in the community
  • The nominations process to appoint new members

MNC members attend community events to recruit and educate prospective members on the role of a Planning Council. This committee also leads the nominations process to recommend new members to the Planning Council. 

The committee has designated mentors that sit on the SPEC and NRAC committee. Mentors connect with members who would like help understanding content. They also connect with members who want to improve and enrich their experience on the Planning Council. 

Committee members attend events in the community such as Pride, World AIDS Day, and National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Members will represent the Planning Council and help recruit new members. 

Membership and Nominations Committee meetings take place monthly on Mondays from 4:00 - 5:30 pm on Zoom until further notice.

Consumer Committee

Consumer Committee 

The mission of the Consumer Committee is to ensure that people living with HIV are empowered, supported, and encouraged to work on the full range of activities that the Planning Council undertakes in the execution of its mandate. The Consumer Committee acts as a place for Planning Council members to receive more education on Planning Council topics and topics relevant to their experience as consumers. This committee also provides people living with HIV a place to share their personal and community experience by: 

  • Fostering and developing consumer leadership 

  • Ensuring that at least one Consumer Committee member is on each Planning Council committee, including the Executive Committee 

  • Collaborating with PCS staff to develop a work plan that may consist of educational presentations, the development of anti-stigma materials, and other activities that the committee see fit 

  • Ensuring that diverse consumer input and participation are included in all Planning Council and committee activities 

The Consumer Committee is always open to the public! Please email to learn more about the schedule and upcoming events.

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