Education and Outreach
The mission of the E&O team is to plan, organize, and conduct outreach programs and materials that are informative and accessible with the aim to improve the health and well-being of Boston residents.
The team aims to reduce the risk of illness and promote health through education awareness initiatives that may include social marketing campaigns, developing educational materials, and directing trainings to various community groups and healthcare workers.
The Education and Outreach (E&O) team does direct community work in collaboration with partners to provide infectious disease prevention information.
Services of the Education and Outreach (E&O) team includes:
- Community Partner Collaborations
- Public Health Infectious Disease Campaigns
- Community-Oriented Trainings and Presentations
- Social Media-Based Health Communications
- Tabling and Resource Distribution at Local Events
Common Health Topics include:
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
- Respiratory Illnesses (flu, COVID-19)
- Blood-Borne Illnesses (Hepatitis B & C, HIV/AIDS)
- Mosquito/Tick-Borne Illnesses
- Recreational Water Illnesses
- Food Safety
- Vaccination and Immunity
Events and Initiatives
Safe is Sexy Boston was a sexual health campaign launched in May 2024 designed to share resources about safer sex and STI testing through characters that varied by race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality, and HIV status.
- Campaign Overview (pdf)
Maternal-Child Health Vaccines was a COVID-19 and flu vaccine awareness campaign for pregnant and parenting families to learn more about the safety and benefits of getting vaccinated before, during, and after pregnancy.
- Campaign Overview (pdf)
Educational Materials
Meet the Team
Meet the Team