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Public Facilities Commission (DND)

The presenter is the Department of Neighborhood Development.

You can also watch the meeting on Boston City TV and Comcast channel 24, RCN channel 13, and on

Discussion Topics

  1. VOTE 1: Neriliz Llenas, Project Manager, Real Estate Management and Sales Division
    Conveyance to Boguslaw Milos: Vacant land located at two (2) unnumbered parcels on Washburn Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $6,000
    Ward:  07
    Parcel Numbers: 03308000 and 03309000 
    Square Feet:  589 (total)
    Future Use: Landscaped Space
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $3,600 (total)
    Appraised Value August 30, 2018:  $6,000 (total)
    DND Program:  REMS - Land Disposition
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: October 1, 2018 and October 8, 2018 (Boston Herald) and October 3, 2018
    (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  October 1, 2018
    That having duly advertised its intent to sell to Boguslaw Milos, an individual, with an address of 11 Washburn Street, Dorchester, MA 02125, the vacant land located at:
    Unnumbered parcel on Washburn Street, Ward: 07, Parcel: 03308000, Square Feet: 54
    Unnumbered parcel on Washburn Street, Ward: 07, Parcel: 03309000, Square Feet: 535
    in the Dorchester District of the City of Boston containing approximately 589 total square feet of land, for two consecutive weeks (February 18, 2019 and February 25, 2019) in accordance with the provisions of St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12), the Public Facilities Commission, pursuant to its vote of January 16, 2019 and subsequent approval by the Mayor, does hereby vote to sell the aforementioned properties to Boguslaw Milos; and
    FURTHER VOTED: the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to deliver an instrument conveying said properties to Boguslaw Milos, in consideration of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000).
  2. VOTE 2: Neriliz Llenas, Project Manager, Real Estate Management and Sales Division
    Tentative Developer Designation and Intent to Sell to Robert M. Lunn: Vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on Washburn Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $7,100
    Ward:  07
    Parcel Number: 03267005
    Square Feet:  711
    Future Use:  Landscaped Space
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $22,500
    Appraised Value September 7, 2018:  $7,100
    DND Program:  REMS – Land Disposition
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: November 19, 2018 and November 26, 2018 (Boston Herald) and November 21, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  November 19, 2018
    That, having duly advertised a Request for Proposals to develop said property, Robert M. Lunn, an individual, with an address of 13 Howell Street, No. 1, Dorchester, MA 02121, be tentatively designated as developer of the vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on Washburn Street, in the Dorchester District of the City of Boston containing approximately 711 square feet of land, for the period of 12 months from the date of the vote subject to such terms, conditions and restrictions as the Director deems appropriate for proper development of this property; and
    FURTHER VOTED: Subject to the approval of the Mayor under St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12) that it is the intent of this Commission to sell the aforementioned property to Robert M. Lunn;
    AND, FURTHER, VOTED: That the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to advertise the intent of this Commission to sell the above described property in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966 and the applicable statutory terms of M.G.L. c.30B, section 16.
  3. VOTE 3: Neriliz Llenas, Project Manager, Project Manager, Real Estate Management and Sales Division
    Amendment to the vote of March 14, 2018 to extend the Tentative Designation and Intent to Sell period from 12 to 24 months to Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center, Inc.: Land with building located at 8 Old Road and 14 Ellington Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts.
    Time Extension
    TD – 03/14/18 through 03/14/19 = 12 months
    TD extension for an additional 12 months 03/14/19 through 03/14/20 = 24 months
    TD total time is 24 months
    Ward:  14
    Parcel Numbers:  02464000 and 02463000
    Square Feet:  13,588 (total)
    Future Use:  Health Center
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $26,837,351
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $484,000
    Appraised Value May 18, 2016:  $648,000
    DND Program:  REMS – Building Sales
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: July 18, 2016 and July 25, 2016 (Boston Herald) and July 20, 2016 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  July 18, 2016
    That the vote of this Commission at its meeting on March 14, 2018 regarding the tentative designation and intent to sell the land with building located at:
    8 Old Road, Ward: 14, Parcel: 02464000, Square Feet: 6,537
    14 Ellington Street, Ward: 14, Parcel: 02463000, Square Feet: 7,051
    in the Dorchester District of the City of Boston containing approximately 13,588 total square feet, to Harvard Street Health Center, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 632 Blue Hill Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02121;
    be, and hereby is amended as follows:
    By deleting the figure and word: “12 months” and substituting in place thereof the following figure and word: “24 months” wherever such may appear.
  4. VOTE 4: Winnie Zhang, Project Manager, Real Estate Management and Sales Division
    Tentative Developer Designation and Intent to Sell to Dudley Economic Empowerment Partners, Inc. (DEEP): Vacant land located at 20 Centre Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $100
    Ward:  09
    Parcel Number: 03525000
    Square Feet:  6,440
    Future Use:  Commercial
    Estimated Total Development Cost: $2,397,963
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $128,700
    Appraised Value August 30, 2018:  $129,000
    DND Program:  REMS – Land Disposition
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: April 23, 2018 and April 30, 2018 (Boston Herald) and April 25, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  November 5, 2018
    That, having duly advertised a Request for Proposals to develop said property, Dudley Economic Empowerment Partners, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 27 Centre Street, Boston, MA be tentatively designated as developer of the vacant land located at 20 Centre Street (Ward: 09, Parcel Number: 03525000) in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 6,440 square feet of land for the period of 24 months from the date of the vote subject to such terms, conditions and restrictions as the Director deems appropriate for proper development of this parcel; and
    FURTHER VOTED: Subject to the approval of the Mayor under St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12) that it is the intent of this Commission to sell the aforementioned property to Dudley Economic Empowerment Partners, Inc.;
    AND, FURTHER, VOTED: That the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to advertise the intent of this Commission to sell the above described property in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966 and the applicable statutory terms of M.G.L. c.30B, section 16.
  5. VOTE 5: Winnie Zhang, Project Manager, Real Estate Management and Sales Division
    Tentative Developer Designation and Intent to Sell to Paige Company, Inc.: Vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel at Centre Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $100
    Ward:  09
    Parcel Number: 03470000
    Square Feet:  6,033
    Future Use:  Landscaped Space
    Estimated Total Development Cost: $170,260
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $182,300
    Appraised Value September 7, 2018:  $90,500
    DND Program:  Grassroots
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: November 5, 2018 and November 12, 2018 (Boston Herald) and November 7, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  November 5, 2018
    That, having duly advertised a Request for Proposals to develop said property, Paige Company, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 28 Highland Avenue, Boston, MA be tentatively designated as developer of the vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on Centre Street (Ward 09, Parcel Number 03470000) in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 6,033 total square feet of land for the period of 12 months from the date of the vote subject to such terms, conditions and restrictions as the Director deems appropriate for proper development of this parcel; and
    FURTHER VOTED: Subject to the approval of the Mayor under St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12) that it is the intent of this Commission to sell the aforementioned property to Paige Company, Inc.;
    AND, FURTHER, VOTED: That the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to advertise the intent of this Commission to sell the above described property in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966 and the applicable statutory terms of M.G.L. c.30B, section 16.
  6. VOTE 6: Ryan Lundergan, Housing Development Officer, Neighborhood Housing Development Division
    Amendment to the vote of March 14, 2018 to extend the Tentative Designation and Intent to Sell period from 12 to 24 months to Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, Inc.: Vacant land located at three (3) unnumbered parcels on Condor Street, East Boston, Massachusetts.
    Time Extension
    TD – 03/14/18 through 03/14/19 = 12 months
    TD extension for an additional 12 months 03/13/19 through 03/14/20 = 24 months
    TD total time is 24 months
    Ward:  01
    Parcel Numbers: 03364000, 03365000, and 03366000
    Square Feet:  26,250 (total)
    Future Use:  Mixed use
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $16,527,149
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $586,800 (total)
    Appraised Value May 1, 2017:  $720,000 (total)
    DND Program:  Neighborhood Housing
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: May 8, 2017 and May 15, 2017 (Boston Herald) and May 10, 20017 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  May 8, 2017
    That the vote of this Commission at its meeting on March 14, 2018 regarding the tentative designation and intent to sell the vacant land located at:
    Unnumbered parcel on Condor Street, Ward: 01, Parcel: 0103364000, Square Feet: 8,750
    Unnumbered parcel on Condor Street, Ward: 01, Parcel: 0103365000, Square Feet: 8,750
    Unnumbered parcel on Condor Street, Ward: 01, Parcel: 0103366000, Square Feet: 8,750
    in the East Boston District of the City of Boston containing approximately 26,250 total square feet of land, to Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 143 Border Street, East Boston, MA 02128;
    be, and hereby is amended as follows:
    By deleting the figure and word: “12 months” and substituting in place thereof the following figure and word: “24 months” wherever such may appear.
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