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Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission

The Fort Point Channel Landmark District Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 10, 2019, at 6 p.m.

To enter and exit City Hall after 5:30 p.m., please use the Dock Square entrance on Congress Street (across from Faneuil Hall).

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics

  1. I. Design Review

    APP # 20.367 FPC    5 Channel Center. At the Iron Street façade street level, install a new opening for entry doors; install canopy and signage, trellis, planter, associated landscaping and bike rack. At the first through sixth levels replace existing opaque metal panels with clear glazing and install new window openings. At the Medallion Avenue façade street level, replace two loading dock doors.

    APP # 20.388 FPC    345 A Street. Proposed Work: At the A Street façade ground level, replace double entry doors with new double entry doors consisting of metal and glazing.

  2. II. Advisory Review

    250 Summer Street. Proposed Work: Install flood mitigation

  3. III. Administrative Review

    APP # 20.358 FPC     374 Congress Street: At the Stillings Street, Congress Street, and Boston Wharf Road street level elevations, replaced rotted wood trim in kind and repaint to match upper stories.

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