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How to get recognition from the Mayor

Last updated:

Mayor Michelle Wu is happy to recognize and congratulate Boston residents. The Mayor offers different types of letters and documents:


Review greeting letter requirements

Mayor Wu is happy to write greeting letters for publications used at medium and large events held in Boston. She enjoys welcoming people who gather in Boston to discuss new ideas and trends. Some common events include:

  • healthcare summits
  • sporting events, and
  • travel conventions.

You must submit a request at least 20 days before an event or print deadline. All requests are subject to review and editing before we accept or decline them. View an example greeting letter.


Complete your request online

Online request form

Have questions? Please call the Mayor's Office at 617-635-3274 and ask to speak with someone about greeting letters.


Review citation requirements

Letters of Citation are congratulatory letters that Mayor Wu sends to Boston residents who reach milestones in their lives. Examples include:

  • birthdays over the age of 65
  • 50th anniversaries or higher
  • retirements, including retirements from the military, or
  • an outstanding service or deed performed by a person or a group (subject to review).

You must submit a request at least 20 days before an event or print deadline. All requests are subject to review and editing before we accept or decline them. View an example citation.


Complete your request online

Online request form

Have questions? Please call the Mayor's Office at 617-635-3274 and ask to speak with someone about citations.


Review proclamation requirements

Mayor Wu issues proclamations to educate the public on events related to history, culture, or public safety. There are a few things you should know before you submit a request:

  • You need to get your request sponsored by a Boston resident or group. The Mayor won’t honor multiple requests from the same person or group in one year.
  • The proclamation must educate a significant amount of Boston citizens. Mayor Wu does not offer them as awards, and they don’t imply support of your event or project.
  • Mayor Wu will issue a proclamation for one date only, and usually won’t provide backdated proclamations.
  • The Mayor has the right to edit the drafted language of a proclamation. Please keep in mind, they are ceremonial and not a legal document.
  • You’ll need to apply each year if the proclamation is an annual event. Mayor Wu does not renew proclamations.
  • The Mayor and her staff have the right to deny your request. Don’t make any announcements about the proclamation until we contact you.

You must submit a request at least 20 days before an event or print deadline. All requests are subject to review and editing before we accept or decline them. View an example proclamation.


Complete your request online

Online request form

Have questions? Please call the Mayor's Office at 617-635-3274 and ask to speak with someone about proclamations.

Keep in mind


Please fax your request to 617-635-2851 or mail your request to:

Mayor Michelle Wu

1 City Hall Square

Boston, MA 02201

You can also just give us a call at 617-635-4500.

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