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Supporting Housing, Climate, Community

The Council adopted a resolution this week supporting the New Madinah Community Development Project in Roxbury.

The New Madinah Project is a mixed-use development proposed by the Society for Islamic Brotherhood, which currently owns and uses the space on Shawmut Avenue for religious and community-based services. The redevelopment would build 38 new affordable housing units, create new community space, and expand the current mosque's capacity to provide worship space and community-based services.

According to the resolution, while the community has expressed support for the development, the project is currently on hold due to an issue regarding tree removal. To accommodate the development's massing, the developer would need to remove two street trees. An arborist hired to assess the trees opined that the trees are likely not healthy enough to avoid removal in the long term, should they not be removed today. On the other hand, the New Madinah proposal includes the addition of a dozen new street trees, a widening of the sidewalk to make it more physically accessible and in compliance with City best practices, and the implementation of sustainability measures such as a heat-island reducing green roof, high-performance windows and doors, continuous thermal and air envelope, groundwater recharge, and efficient lighting and appliances.

The resolution highlights how the New Madinah project would create housing, contribute to climate resiliency, and meet demand for community space "where residents of all backgrounds may gather, take part in community events, take advantage of mutual aid opportunities, and celebrate the rich cultural history of our community." Councilor Fernandes Anderson stated, "We are in a housing crisis, and we are also in a climate crisis. When [we] talk about fighting housing and commercial and climate displacement, this is the kind of project we have in mind."

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