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All weekly City Council meetings are held at 12 p.m. (noon) in the Christopher A. Iannella Chamber on the fifth floor of Boston City Hall, unless otherwise noted.

Discussion Topics


    0236    Message and order for your approval a new home rule petition to the 

        General Court, “Petition for a Special Law Re: An Act Relative to 

        Residential Tax Relief in the City of Boston.

        0237    Message and order for your approval an Order to reduce the FY25 

        appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by One Hundred 

        Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($128,700.00) to provide 

        funding for the Boston Police Department for the FY25 increases contains 

        within the collective bargaining agreement between the City of Boston and 

        the Boston Police Detective Benevolent Society (BPDBS) Forensic Group.

        0238    Message and order for a supplemental appropriation Order for the FY25 

        appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by One Hundred 

        Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($128,700.00) to cover the 

        FY25 cost items contained within the collective bargaining agreements 

        between the City of Boston and the Boston Police Detective Benevolent 

        Society (BPDBS)  Forensic Group. The terms of the contracts are October 

        1, 2023 through September 30, 2027. The major provisions of the contract 

        include a market adjustment to base wages in FY25, as well as base wage 

        increase of 2% to be given in January 2026 and 2027 and flat amounts of 

        $900 and $800 to be added to annual salaries in January 2026 and 2027, 

        after the percent increases.

        Filed in the Office of the City Clerk on January 13, 2025.

        0239    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the 

        amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) in the form of a 

        grant, for the FY25 Training Academy Earmark, awarded by the 

        Massachusetts Department of Fire Services to be administered by the Fire 

        Department. The grant will fund the purchase of equipment and supplies, 

        and to fund training initiatives for the Boston Fire Training Academy to 

        ensure the department remains current in the firefighting services.

        0240    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend for 

        the benefit of the City of Boston, a donation from the National Nuclear 

        Security Administration’s Office of Radiological Security (ORS) of 2024 

        GMC Sierra 4WD Crew Cab Pickup valued at SixtyThousand Two 

        Hundred and Thirty Three Dollars ($60,233.00). The truck will be used as a 

        Radiological Security Awareness and Response (RSAR) support truck and 

        will allow the Boston Police Department to continue the sustainment of 

        RSAR training programs.

        0241    Message and order temporarily extending Urban Renewal Plans in the City 

        of Boston until March 31, 2027 or passage of a proposed relevant Home 

        Rule Petition.


    0242    Notice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Midori 

        Morikawa, as a member of the Boston School Committee Nominating 

        Panel, effective immediately.

        0243    Communication was received from Councilor Flynn regarding 

        discrepancies in the 2024 Boston Detainer Requests.

        0244    Communication was received from Councilor Flynn regarding the Boston 

        Crime Lab Director.

        0245    Communication was received from Councilor Breadon regarding her 

        absence from the City Council meeting on January 15, 2025.

        0246    Communication was received from Councilor Breadon regarding the 

        passage of Chapter 360 of the Acts of 2024, An Act increasing the 

        maximum amount of‬ ‭penalties which may be imposed for violations of 

        ordinances in the City of Boston‬.

        0247    Communication was received from Kenzie Bok, Administrator of the 

        Boston Housing Authority regarding and update on the elevator situation at 

        several Boston Housing sites.

        0248    Notice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of 

        the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon 

        by the City Council at its meeting of December 4, 2024.



    0112    Message and order for your approval an Order to reduce the FY25 

        appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by Six Million Six 

        Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Six Dollars 

        ($6,637,486.00) to provide funding for the Boston Public Schools (BPS) for 

        the FY25 impact of increases contained with the collective bargaining 

        agreement between the Transdev and its bus drivers.

        0113    Message and order for a supplemental appropriation Order for the FY25 

        appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by Six Million Six 

        Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Six Dollars 

        ($6,637,486.00) to cover the impact of FY25 cost items contained within 

        the Collective Bargaining agreement between Transdev and its bus drivers 

        on the City’s transportation contract with the vendor, Transdev. The term of 

        the contract is July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2028. The major provisions of 

        the contract include a market rate adjustment, an increase for regular wages 

        and an increase in minimum weekly hours from 31 to 35.

        Filed in the Office of the City Clerk on January 6, 2025.

        0114    Message and order for your approval an Order to reduce the FY25 

        appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by Four Hundred 

        Twenty One Thousand Three Hundred Eighteen Dollars ($421,318.00) to 

        provide funding for the Mayor’s Office of Housing for the FY25 increases 

        contained within the collective bargaining agreement between the City of 

        Boston and SEIU Local 888, Mayor’s Office of Housing.

        0115    Message and order for a supplemental appropriation for the Mayor’s Office 

        of Housing for FY25 in the amount of Four Hundred Twenty One 

        Thousand Three Hundred Eighteen Dollars ($421,318.00) to cover the 

        FY25 cost contained within the collective bargaining agreements between 

        the City of Boston and SEIU, Local 888 Mayor's Office of Housing. The 

        terms of the contracts are October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2027. The 

        major provisions of the contracts include base wage increases of 2% to be 

        given in January of each fiscal year of the contract term and flat amounts of 

        $250.00, $500.00, $900.00, and $800.00 to be added to annual salaries in 

        January of each fiscal year.

        Filed in the Office of the City Clerk on January 6, 2025.

        0116    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the 

        amount of Eight Hundred Sixty Thousand One Hundred Sixty Nine Dollars 

        and Seventy Cents ($860,169.70) in the form of a grant for the One Stop 

        Career Center grant, awarded by MassHire Department of Career Services 

        to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will 

        fund comprehensive career services and resources to unemployed job 

        seekers such as reviewing job postings, career counseling and job coaching, 

        education/skills training, and job placement assistance.

        0108    Message and order for your approval an Order authorizing the City of 

        Boston to appropriate the amount of One Hundred Ten Million Dollars 

        ($110,000,000.00) for purposes of funding the Housing Accelerator 

        Program. The expenditures related to the program are one time in nature 

        and are assumed to be non recurring costs of the City, therefore, are 

        appropriate to be funded with non recurring revenue.

        Filed in the Office of the City Clerk on December 2, 2024.


    0249    Councilor Worrell offered the following: Ordinance amending City of 

        Boston Code 18 1.2B to make certificates of birth and death free.

        0250    Councilor Durkan offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding 

        the feasibility and impact of a Sugar Sweetened Beverage Tax in Boston.

        0251    Councilor Durkan offered the following: Order for a hearing to 

        investigate the use, impact, and potential ban of algorithmic price setting in 

        the Boston rental housing market.

        0252    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss 

        expanding the urban tree canopy in District 2.

        0253    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss the 

        goals and priorities of the City of Boston's Office of Veteran Services.

        0254    Councilor Worrell offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss 

        long term city job vacancies.

        0255    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss new 

        cancer presumptions announced by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.

        0256    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss 

        discrepancies in Boston's 2024 detainer requests.

        0257    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss 

        accessibility in Boston City Hall.

        0258    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss 

        exploring Nickerson Field and other facilities for a Women's Professional 

        Soccer Team.

        0259    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss the 

        status of the elevators at the BHA Ruth Barkley apartments.

        0260    Councilor Worrell and Breadon offered the following: Order for a 

        hearing to discuss the use of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in the 

        City of Boston.

        0261    Councilor Weber offered the following: Order for a hearing to address 

        programming needs for older adults in the City of Boston.

        0262    Councilor Durkan offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss 

        the creation of a Parks Administrator for Downtown Parks including the 

        Boston Common, Public Garden, Commonwealth Avenue Mall, Copley 

        Square and Christopher Columbus Park.

        0263    Councilor Durkan offered the following: Order for a hearing to explore 

        the creation of a City Wide Merchandise Licensing Program.

        0264    Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding 

        strategies to expand homeownership programs in Boston.

        0265    Councilor Murphy and Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing 

        to discuss the preservation of historical artifacts in     Boston Public Schools 

        slated for closure or merger.

        0266    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss 

        pedestrian safety, traffic calming, and expanding the safety surge program 

        in the City of Boston.

        0267    Councilor Murphy and Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing 

        to discuss Boston Public Schools transportation for student athletes.

        0268    Councilor Murphy and Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing 

        to address the plans underway to do facilities work this summer at several 

        of our buildings that may impact the services we provide

        0269    Councilor Murphy offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss 

        residential property values and the assessing process

        0270    Councilor Coletta Zapata offered the following: Order to adopt the Good 

        Landlord Tax Abatement as a local option in the City of Boston.

        0271    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution in support of the 

        replacement of concurrent traffic signal at Dorchester Avenue and 

        Dorchester Street



    Legislative Calendar for January 15, 2025.


    0272    Councilor FitzGerald offered the following: Resolution recognizing 

        Maura Doyle.

        0273    Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating 

        Evangeline Roussel Lucien.

        0274    Councilor Durkan offered the following: Resolution recognizing Nakama 


        0275    Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating 

        The Chery Family.

        0276    Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating 

        Samuel Luxama.

        0277    Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating 

        Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachusetts.

        0278    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Flynn 


        0279    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Xiamen 

        University Alumni Association in New England.

        0280    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing the 

        National Asian Women's Association.

        0281    Councilor Weber offered the following: Resolution recognizing PN 


        0282    Councilor Worrell and Santana offered the following: Resolution 

        recognizing January 20 as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the 

        City of Boston.


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