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All weekly City Council meetings are held at 12 p.m. (noon) in the Christopher A. Iannella Chamber on the fifth floor of Boston City Hall, unless otherwise noted.

Discussion Topics


    0393 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Million Five Hundred Sixty-Three Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Six Dollars and Twenty-Eight Cents ($2,563,236.28) in the form of a grant, for the FY25 State Elder Lunch Program Grant, awarded by the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund nutrition services for older adults in the City of Boston, at a rate of $7.39 per meal for up to 358,679 meals.

    0394 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Seven Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand One Hundred Seven Dollars and Thirty-Nine Cents ($1,735,107.39) in the form of a grant, for the FY25 Senator Charles E. Shannon Jr. Community Safety Initiative Grant awarded by MA Executive Office of Public Safety & Security to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund regional and multi-disciplinary approaches to combat gang violence through coordinated prevention and intervention, law enforcement, prosecution, and reintegration programs.

    0395 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the UCFC-Program, awarded by the United States Department of Agriculture, passed through The Corps Network, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund the historic workforce investment of boosting the City’s tree cover in various neighborhoods.

    0396 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Seven Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-Five Dollars ($775,855.00) in the form of a grant, for the 2025 Community Connections Program Grant, awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, passed through the Boston Regional Metropolitan Planning Organization, to be administered by the Transportation Department. The grant will fund the replacement and electrification of Blue Bikes Stations and repurpose single space parking meter poles for 1600 with bicycle racks.

    0397 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Seven Hundred Two Thousand Two Hundred Forty-Four Dollars and Twenty-Two Cents ($702,244.22) in the form of a grant, for the REDEA Program for Field CY24 Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund individual reemployment needs of Unemployment Insurance claimants, as well as prevent and detect improper benefit payments, and application assistance for, training and education resources and programs.

    0398 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Six Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Forty-Six Dollars and Fifty-Seven Cents ($626,466.57) in the form of a grant, for the Carry-in WIOA Dislocated Workers Program Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund a program to help dislocated workers get back to work as quickly as possible and overcome barriers to employment.

    0399 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Ten Dollars ($449,710.00) in the form of a grant, for the Boston MVP Action Grant, awarded by the MA Executive Office of Energy and Environment Affairs to be administered by the Public Works Department. The grant will fund building a database and map of current and projected flooding impacts, focusing primarily on storm water and riverine flooding.

    0400 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($410,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Funding, awarded by the MA Executive Office for Administrative & Finance to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund to support the Center for Working Families’ Boston Tax Help Coalition in assisting

    low-income taxpayers with personal income tax filing for the 2024 tax session.

    0401 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Hundred Fifty-Four Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-One Dollars ($254,921.00) in the form of a grant, for the WIOA Youth Activities Admin Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund a program that focuses primarily on out-of-school youth, between ages

    14-24, who face barriers to education, training, and employment.

    0402 Message and orders authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($115,00.00) in the form of a grant, for the Creative Aging Program, awarded by Goddard House Assisted Living to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund bringing arts programming to older adults in Boston.

    0403 Message and orders authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Nine Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-One Dollars and Seventy Cents ($109,271.70) in the form of a grant, for the WIOA Dislocated Worker Admin Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund individualized career services and training services, for dislocated workers to rejoin the workforce as early as possible and overcome barriers to employment.

    0404 Message and orders authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Ninety-Four Thousand Eighty-Nine Dollars ($94,089.00) in the form of a grant, for the Wagner Peyser Admin Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office Workforce Development. The grant will fund individual reemployment needs of unemployment insurance claimants, as well as prevent and detect improper benefit payments and application assistance for training and education resources and programs.

    0405 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Friends of Youth Opportunity Boston Grant, awarded by The Baupost Group to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund opportunities for young people ages 12-24 to work and learn along with intensive staff support.

    0406 Message and order for your approval a home rule petition to the General Court entitled "Petition for a Special Law Re: An Act Relative to Certain Affordable Housing and Cultural Space in the Brighton Section of the City of Boston."

    0407 Message and order for your approval an Ordinance for Road Safety and Accountability for Delivery Providers.

    0408 Message and order for your approval an order confirming that Ringer Playground is permanently dedicated for park and playground purposes, as required by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA), for parks receiving aforesaid grant assistance. This confirmation is required to receive a grant awarded to the City of Boston through the Parks and Recreation Department for renovations to Ringer Playground located in the neighborhood of Allston-Brighton.


    0409 Notice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of John Lydon as a Trustee of the South Boston Foundation, for a term expiring December 31, 2025.

    0410 Communication was received from Councilor Erin Murphy and Councilor Ed Flynn on Council Exclusion.



    0109 The Committee on Strong Women, Families, and Communities, to which was referred on December 4, 2024, Docket #0109, Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Nazzaro Community Center Renovation grant, awarded by the United States Department of Treasury, passed through the MA Executive Office of Economic Development, to be administered by Property Management. The grant will fund repairs and capital improvements to maintain current functionality and programming at the Nazzaro Community Center, submits a report recommending that the grant ought to pass.

    0111 The Committee on Strong Women, Families, and Communities, to which was referred on December 4, 2024, Docket #0111, Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the Age Strong Universal Fund, awarded by the Donor Group to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund senior center programs and services for older adults in Boston, submits a report recommending that the grant ought to pass.

    0190 The Committee on Rules and Administration, to which was referred on January 8, 2025, Docket #0190, Order to implement a nondisclosure agreement prohibition policy for Boston City Council, submits a report recommending that the docket ought to pass in a new draft.


    0148  Order for a hearing to discuss Boston Public Schools' FY26 Budget.


    0411 Councilor Pepén and FitzGerald offered the following: Ordinance to establish a school bus violation detection monitoring system.

    0412 Councilor Santana offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding the public safety requirements and possible locations for a new Emergency Operations Center in the City of Boston.

    0413 Councilor Santana offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding all City of Boston grants administered by the Office of Emergency Management, including the Urban Area Security Initiative Grant and Emergency Management Performance Grant.

    0414 Councilor Mejia offered the following: Order for a hearing to audit the implementation and effectiveness of the 2014 Boston Trust Act.

    0415 Councilor Mejia offered the following: Order for a hearing to audit the 2024 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

    0416 Councilor Mejia and Weber offered the following: Order for a hearing on workforce development housing for City of Boston employees.

    0417 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss Holocaust and Genocide Education in Boston Public Schools.

    0418 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss the status of the South Boston Branch Library Study.

    0419 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss tax exemptions for long-term residents age 55 & above and essential municipal employees.

    0420 Councilor Santana offered the following: Order for a hearing to explore ways to increase community engagement and better facilitate public participation for Boston City Council Hearings.

    0421 Councilor Murphy and Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss public safety and police staffing in Boston.

    0422 Councilor Murphy offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss the immediate reinstatement of and sustainable funding for the Community Syringe Redemption Program.

    0423 Councilor Murphy offered the following: Order for a hearing to review the effectiveness of speed humps in Boston.

    0424 Councilor Murphy offered the following: Order for a hearing to assess the environmental impacts of the proposed White Stadium redevelopment on Franklin Park.

    0425 Councilor Murphy offered the following: Order for a hearing on the environmental preservation of Boston's historical parks and green spaces.

    0426 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing January as National Human Trafficking Prevention Month.


    0427 Councilor Louijeune for Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Reginald Stewart in City Council, effective February 10, 2025.


    5/25  Legislative Calendar for February 5, 2025.


    0428 Councilor Weber offered the following: Resolution in memory of Jeff Flagg.

    0429 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating Jeremiah Program.

    0430 Councilor Weber offered the following: Resolution recognizing Sugeily Santos

    0431 Councilor Santana and Pepén offered the following: Resolution recognizing El Grupo de Baile Juvenil Calife and 6 other community members.

    0432 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Yankee Dental Congress.

    0433 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizng St. James the Greater Church.

    0434 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Newton Chinese Language School.

    0435 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England.

    0436 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Senior Pastor Reverend Daniel Chan.

    0437 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution in memory of Walter Preble.


    0438  Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    0439  Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating Drawdown Brewery.

    0440  Councilor Worrell offered the following: Resolution recognizing Jessica Azurdia.

    0441  Councilor Worrell offered the following: Resolution recognizing Propa City Community Outreach.

    0442  Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution recognizing Jane E. Kennedy.

    0443  Councilor Breadon offered the following: Resolution in memory of Mary Theresa (Doyle) Honan.


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