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Conservation Commission Public Hearing

The Conservation Commission will hold its next bi-weekly hearing on February 5, 2025, at 6 p.m.

ATTENTION: This meeting will be held virtually and not in person. You can participate in the meeting by going to our online meeting or calling 929-205-6099 and entering Meeting ID 868 0172 3247 #. Interpretation, translation, and disability accommodation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them, please contact us at, or 617-635-3850 by January 31, 2025.

In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40, and the Boston Wetlands Ordinance, Boston City Code, Ordinances, Chapter 7-1.4, the Boston Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public hearing at 6 p.m. on February 5, 2025 to review the following projects to determine what conditions, if any, the Commission will impose to protect the interests of the public and private water supply, ground water, prevention of pollution, flood control, prevention of storm damage, protection of fisheries and land containing shellfish, and protection of wildlife habitat. 

Any matter posted as a public hearing may be deliberated upon at a subsequent meeting. 

Members of the public may share public comments during the hearing. The Conservation Commission will also accept written testimony for agenda items via email at prior to the hearing. Written testimony should be submitted by Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 3:30 p.m.

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics


    Notice of Intent for DEP File No. 006-2023 and BOS File No. 2025-004 from Weston & Sampson on behalf of the Boston Parks and Recreation Department for the proposed widening of the existing batting cage located at McConnell Park, Springdale Street, Dorchester, MA (LSCSF).

    Notice of Intent for DEP File No. 006-2024 from Green International Affiliates, Inc., on behalf of the Massachusetts Port Authority for the proposed installation of a water distribution system within the existing access roadways located at Conley Container Terminal, 700 Terminal Street, South Boston, MA (DPA, LSCSF, 100 ft Buffer to Coastal Bank).

    Notice of Intent for DEP File No. 006-2022 from Foth on behalf of the Massachusetts Port Authority for the proposed subsurface geotechnical and environmental investigation which consists of conducting up to 6 in-water borings and up to 6 land-based borings at Piers Park II, 95 Marginal Street, East Boston, MA (LUO, Coastal Beach, Fish Runs, LSCSF).

    Request for Determination of Applicability from EBT Environmental Consultants, Inc., on behalf of Eduardo’s Auto Body, Inc., for the proposed demolition of an existing building addition and invasive plant removal at 200 William F McClellan Highway, East Boston, MA. 

    Continued; Notice of Intent for DEP File No. 006-1996 and Boston File No. 2024-021 from Epsilon Associates, Inc., on behalf of the Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) for the proposed construction of the North Allston Storm Drain Extension Project to improve the BWSC stormwater management system at ~500 Soldiers Field Road, Allston, MA (LUW, Inland Bank, 100 ft Buffer to Inland Bank, 25 ft Waterfront, 25 ft Riverfront). *Continued from the July 10, 2024 hearing

    McConnell Park Batting Cage NOI

    Conley Water Distribution System Improvements NOI

    Piers Park II Borings NOI

    Eduardo’s Auto Body RDA


    Request for a Certificate of Compliance for DEP File No. 006-1942 and BOS File No. 2023-031 from HDR on behalf of the Massachusetts Port Authority for the pavement rehabilitation of a 3.44 acre portion of the Conley Terminal container yard, 700 Summer Street, South Boston, MA (LSCSF, DPA, 100 ft Buffer to Coastal Bank).

    Request for a Certificate of Compliance for DEP File No. 006-1998 from Fort Point Associates on behalf of the Boston Harbor Shipyard and Marina for the demolition of Building 17 and associated utility cut-offs and caps located at 256 Marginal Street, East Boston, MA (LSCSF, 100 ft Buffer to Coastal Bank).

    Request for a Certificate of Compliance for DEP File No. 006-1770 and BOS File No. 2021-007 from Weston & Sampson on behalf of the City of Boston Parks and Recreation Department for the park renovation and site improvements at McConnell Playground, Springdale St, Dorchester, MA (LSCSF, Waterfront Area, 100 ft Buffer to Coastal Bank).

    Request for a Certificate of Compliance for DEP File No. 006-1947 and BOS File No. 2023-036 from GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. on behalf of the Boston Gas Company for the remediation of coal tar-impacted soils in a buried tar tank using in-situ solidification/stabilization located at 220 Victory Rd, Dorchester, MA (LSCSF, 25 ft Waterfront, 100 ft Buffer to Coastal Bank, 100 ft Buffer to Coastal Beach).

    Administrative Updates

    Acceptance of Meeting Minutes from November 6, 2024, November 20, 2024, December 11, 2024, January 8, 2025, and January 22, 2025.



    The Commission will hold a public meeting immediately following the last hearing or as appropriate following any hearing.  Plans and filings with the Commission may be requested via email from or viewed by appointment only at the Environment Department, Boston City Hall, Room 709, from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Questions can be directed to or 617-635-3850.

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