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Beacon Hill Architectural Commission

The Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, June 20, at 5 p.m.

(Use Congress Street as an entrance and exit after 5:30 p.m.)

Public testimony begins at

Discussion Topics

  1. Design Review

    19.1311 BH 94 Beacon Street: At front façade replace deteriorated six-over-six double-hung windows in flanking dormers in-kind; and enlarge shed dormer window openings and replace four eight-light casement wood windows with four ten-light casement wood windows or alternatively with three six-over-six wood windows.

    19.796 BH 25 Charles Street: At Charles Street façade relocate entry and install new entry doors, replace and lengthen first-story windows, repair and replace existing cornice and awning brackets as needed, recover awning; at Branch Street elevation create new window openings; and replace wooden window shutters at Charles Street façade and Branch Street elevation (See Administrative Review items below). Continued from 2/21/2019, 4/18/2019 & 5/16/2019 Public Hearings

    19.1242 BH 20 Chestnut Street: Replace deteriorated chimney pot cap with black aluminum termination cap.

    19.1004 BH 28 Pinckney Street: Replace existing in-filled garage door opening with new overhead garage door painted black; paint existing door black; remove existing paint from masonry; and restore curb cut and sidewalk (work previously approved by BHAC on June 18, 2015). Previously Application 19.744 BH - Continued from 2/21/2019, 4/18/2019 & 5/16/2019 Public Hearings19.1231 BH 81 Beacon Street: At rear elevation remove window grates at four second-story windows.

    19.1294 BH 11 Louisburg Square: At front façade replace fourteen windows as approved by BHAC in 2018; however, remove the proviso of using restoration glass in some panes.

    19.1312 BH 74 Chestnut Street: At rear elevation replace black cedar garage door with plywood door.

    19.1261 BH Tremont Street (Opposite 110 Tremont Street between Hamilton Place and Broomfield Street): Replace existing city light pole with small cell wireless antenna system.

    19.1278 BH 37-41 Bowdoin Street: At roof install four antennas, four remote radio heads and two junction boxes within fiberglass screen walls.

    19.1155 BH 33 Mount Vernon Street: At front façade repair entry door and door surround and paint black, replace door hardware, and install new buzzer at entry. Continued from 5-16-2019 Public Hearing

    19.1221 BH 87 Pinckney Street: At rear elevation create new window opening in masonry wall at third-story and install air intake and exhaust vent (See Administrative Review items below).

    19.1301 BH 40 Beacon Street: At rear elevation install two precast concrete steps and alter brick wall and railing to accommodate an in-swing gate.

    19.1148 BH 39 Beacon Street: At front façade replace intercom system and install fire connection; and at roof replace existing steel railing system at deck and install green roof. Continued from 5-16-2019 Public Hearing

    19.1298 BH 92 Pinckney Street: At roof replace black rubber membrane roof and deck in-kind.

  2. Administrative Review/Approval

    19.1148 BH 39 Beacon Street: Clean and repair masonry; repair and re-paint window frames, sash and mouldings; repair and repaint metalwork; repair and repaint front entry portico, trim, door, transom and sidelights; repair downspout and gutter system; repair copper parapet at front façade; and repair and repaint rear entry doors and sidelight  (See Design Review item above).

    19.1288 BH 59 Beacon Street: At front façade repaint eight windows.

    19.796 BH 25 Charles Street: Clean and repair masonry (See Design Review item above).

    19.1205 BH 48 Charles Street: At front façade repair stucco and re-paint window trim.

    19.1284 BH 58 Chestnut Street: At roof replace slate and copper flashing in-kind.

    19.1285 BH 10 Joy Street: At roof replace deteriorated slate and copper hips in-kind.

    19.1297 BH 60 Joy Street: Replace black rubber membrane roof and copper flashings in-kind.

    19.1295 BH 42 Mount Vernon Street: At roof re-point southeast chimney and repair adjacent roofing.

    19.1302 BH 63 Mount Vernon Street: At front façade re-set and repair stone pavers at walkway.

    19.1303 BH 150 Mount Vernon Street: At front façade replace eight six-over-six wood windows in-kind, and replace deteriorated wood window trim in-kind.

    19.1254 BH 7 & 8 Park Street: At front façade replace three first-story six-over-six non-historic wood windows in-kind; and at rear elevation replace four first-story six-over-six non-historic wood windows in-kind and two first-story fifteen-light non-historic wood windows in-kind.

    19.1221 BH 87 Pinckney Street: At front façade repair third-story windows; and at rear elevation replace three third-story two-over-two wood windows and three third-story one-over-one wood windows in-kind, and replace deteriorated sandstone lintel and sill with cast stone.

    19.1324 BH 2 Sentry Hill Place: At front façade and rear elevation re-point masonry.

    19.1183 BH 43 South Russell Street: At front façade and side elevation re-paint masonry walls.

    19.1199 BH 56 West Cedar Street: At front façade re-paint front door and trim, and repair and touch-up paint at bay window.

  3. Ratification 5/16/2019 Public Hearing Minutes
  4. Staff Updates
  5. Projected Adjournment - 9:00pm
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